able London were one of the first of the new cable companies to start up in the UK.
They had got their first round of funding and were keen to start digging up roads and signing up customers.
Our task was two fold; warn communiteis of the forthcoming distruption, but also to sell the potential of the great new service.
To encourage economies of scale, wiring up a block was cheaper, but Cable London needed Landlords on-board.
That's where we came in - getting landlords, residents and communities fired up to take the service.
They had got their first round of funding and were keen to start digging up roads and signing up customers.
Our task was two fold; warn communiteis of the forthcoming distruption, but also to sell the potential of the great new service.
To encourage economies of scale, wiring up a block was cheaper, but Cable London needed Landlords on-board.
That's where we came in - getting landlords, residents and communities fired up to take the service.
Cable London
Corporate Identity
Estage Agent mailer:

Construction mailer:

General mailer:

Availability mailer: